- Наявність: Є в наявності
Авторський колектив: Anna Pavlichenko
Загальна редакція: Anna Pavlichenko
Тип видання: Літературно-художнє видання
Видання: п'єса
Рік видання: 2023
Кількість сторінок: 80
Формат: А5, 60*84 1/16
Обкладинка: м'яка
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The play belongs to the realm of the absurd in the world of drama. The main character, Einstein, a figure of immense influence, exists both as living and deceased simultaneously. He is the creator who altered the world with his discoveries, yet paradoxically, remains a force that challenges the world even today.
The narrative delves into the lives of prominent Ukrainians intertwined with historical events, individuals who left a mark beyond their times. The intrigue lies in the imagined gathering of Albert Einstein, Simon Petlyura, Kazymir Malevych, and Ivan Pulyuj around a single table.
This book sheds light on these exceptional Ukrainians and revisits historical facts distorted over time due to misleading influences. Utilizing historical accounts and delving into cause-and-effect relationships, the work has the potential to captivate a broad range of readers